Montanoa standleyi
Montanoa standleyi was described by Vicki Funk in 1982. It is a shrub with mostly consistent leaves. Like most Montanoa, it has white ray flowers, yellow disc flowers, and brown-black achenes. It is named in honor of Paul C. Standley who annotated the type specimen as a new species but never published his description.
Chromosome number is unknown. (Funk, 1982.)
M. standleyi has been found in Chiapas and Oaxaca, Mexico. (Funk, 1982.)
Please see the map above for detail.
Montanoa standleyi has been found in mixed pine and deciduous sub-tropical forests. (Funk, 1982.)
Montanoa standleyi flowers October to November and begins fruiting between November and January, but will continue to bear fruiting heads until April. (Funk, 1982.)