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Montanoa ovalifolia ssp. australis
Genus: MontanoaSpecies: Montanoa ovalifolia
Montanoa ovalifolia is roadside shrub that is noteworthy for its abundant, densely clustered heads and the extreme amount of variation in a number of its characters. The leaves in particular very considerably on the individual and populational levels. In one population in Santander, Colombia (SF 5622 A-H) all of the leaf shapes for the entire species were found so there does not appear to be any correlation with locality. The other variable characters, however, do appear to have clinal variation that is here recognized on the subspecific level.
SPECIMENS EXAMINED: ECUADOR. AZUAY: Pasaje-Santa Isbel-Oiron rd, 7 May 1974, Harling & Anderson 14466 (OB). EL ORO: Zaruma-Pocto Vela, I May 1974, Harling & Anderson 14147 (OB). LOJA: Valle a Jipiro, 2-5 km NE of Loja, 6 Mar 1947, Espinosa 1359 (NY); Chiquiribaniba, 16 Nov 1876, Andre 4444 (OH, K); Las Chinchas, 12 Apr 1944, Solis 7715 (F). PERU. LAMBAYEQUE: above Olmos, May 1915, Weberbauer 7102 (F, S, US).