Montanoa angulata
Shrubs: Stems brown, glabrous. Leaves poorly known; petioles 2-4 cm long, partially winged at distal end, densely glandular and pubescent, hairs 0.5-1.0 mm long; blades ovate-Ianceolate to trullate (Fig. 48A, B), 5-12 cm long, 1-5 cm wide, apex long-acuminate, margin serrate, adaxial surface moderately pubescent, hairs pustular, more evident on young leaves, abaxial sllliace moderately glandular and pubescent, hairs 0.5-1.0 mm long. Peduncles 1.5-3.5 cm long, densely glandular and pubescent, hairs 0.5-1.0 mm long. Heads erect, 0.8 cm diam in flower, ca. 1.0-1.2 cm diam in fruit, many to numerous in open cymose synflorescences in oppositely branched compound corymbs. Phyllaries 5-6, uniseriate, subequal, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 3-5 mm long, 1.0 mm wide, dark green, apex acute to acuminate, mucronate, margin ciliate, entire, abaxial surface sparsely pubescent, adaxial surface glabrous. Ray florets 6-7; corollas white with dark veins, ligules obovate, 6-10 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, apex acute to 2-notched with clusters of hairs, adaxial surface glabrous, abaxial surface moderately to densely glandular and pubescent, hairs less than 0.5 mm long, tube less than 0.5 mm long, almost non-existent, with a few scattered hairs. Disc florets (Fig. 48C) 49-53; corollas yellow, tube 0.75-1.0 mm long, 0.5 mm diam, moderately glandular and pubescent, hairs 0.5-0.75 mm long, throat cylindrical, 1.5 mm long, 1.0 mm diam, sparsely glandular and pubescent primarily on the veins, hairs less than 0.5 mm long, lobes 5, 0.5-0.7 mm long, 0.5-0.7 mm wide, apex acute and moderately glandular and pubescent, hairs less than 0.5 mm long; stamens with filaments 1.0 mm long, 0.2 mm wide, anthers not fully exserted from corolla, thecae yellow with brown, 1.0 mm long, 0.5 mm wide, apical appendages yellow, acute, 0.5 mm long, 0.4 mm wide, abaxial surface of apical appendages glabrous; styles yellow, 4.0 mm long, slightly enlarged at base, stigmatic surfces yellow, 0.6 mm long, apical appendages yellow with dark spots, acute, 0.4 mm long, 0.4 mm wide. Pales at anthesis obtrullate, 2.5 mm long, 2.0 mm wide, light yellow with dark bands on midrib and veins, apex longacuminate, dark, indurate, margin sparsely ciliate, entire, abaxial and adaxial surfaces glabrous; pales at fruiting (not quite mature) deciduous, almost obdeltoid, 8-9 mmlong, 4-S mm wide, papery with netted venation, stramineous with dark bands on veins, apex abruptly short apiculate, dark, indurate, margin sparsely ciliate, entire, abaxial and adaxial surfaces glabrous. Achenes seemingly typical but too young for certainty. Chromosome number unknown.
Montana angulata species is distinct in this series in having angular leaves and it is probably most closely related to Montanoa quadrangularis and M. josei, with which it shares the same number of disc (40-60) and ray (6-8) florets and dark areas on the apical appendages of the stigmas. Montanoa quadrangularis and M. josei are, however, trees with reddish hairs, whereas Montanoa angulata is a nearly glabrous shrub.
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Tribe: Heliantheae
Genus: Montanoa
Sub- Genus: Acanthocarphae
Species: Montanoa angulata
Trujillo, Venezuela (Fig. 49); habitat unknown;23S0 m.
Flowering (and Fruiting) period: October (October-November?).